The Law: Business of Profession? The Continuing Relevance of Julius Henry Cohen for the Practice of Law in the Twenty-First Century
Prefatory Material
The Law: Business or Profession?: The Continuing Relevance of Julius Henry Cohen for the Practice of Law in the Twenty-First Century
Samuel J. Levine
Resisting Commercialism
Rakesh K. Anand
Profession: A Definition
Sande L. Buhai
People’s Electric: Engaged Legal Education at Rutgers-Newark Law School in the 1960s and 1970s
George W. Conk
Law as a Profession: Examining the Role of Accountability
Susan Saab Fortney
Dichotomy No Longer? The Role of the Private Business Sector in Educating the Future Russian Legal Professions
Philip M. Genty
Rehabilitating Lawyers: Perceptions of Deviance and its Cures in the Lawyer Reinstatement Process
Bruce Green and Jane Campbell Moriarty
"It Takes a Lot to Get Into Bellevue": A Pro-Rights Critique of New York's Involuntary Commitment Law
Zachary Groendyk
In Defense of the Business of Law
Judith A. McMorrow
Implications of Globalization for the Professional Status of Lawyers in the United States and Elsewhere
Nancy J. Moore
Nothing New Under the Sun: How the Legal Profession's Twenty-First Century Challenges Resemble Those of the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Russell G. Pearce and Pam Jenoff
A History of Professionalism: Julius Henry Cohen and the Professions as a Route to Citizenship
Rebecca Roiphe
The Framing Effects of Professionalism: Is There a Lawyer Cast of Mind? Lessons from Compliance Programs
Robert Eli Rosen, Christine E. Parker, and Vibeke Lehmann Nielson