Twenty-Fifth Amendment Articles | Twenty-Fifth Amendment Archive | Fordham Law School
This section contains articles and publications related to presidential succession, including: articles written by Dean Feerick at the time of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment’s drafting; articles from three symposia at Fordham Law School, one on the vice presidency and two on the adequacy of the presidential succession system; and, the reports by Fordham Law School’s first and second Presidential Succession Clinics.


Submissions from 1963


The Problem of Presidential Inability--Will Congress Ever Solve It?, John D. Feerick

Submissions from 1966


Vice Presidential Succession: In Support of the Bayh-Celler Plan , John D. Feerick
South Carolina Law Review

Submissions from 1995


Twenty-Fifth Amendment: An Explanation and Defense, The, John D. Feerick
Wake Forest Law Review

Submissions from 2012


Ensuring the Stability of Presidential Succession in the Modern Era, Fordham University School of Law's Clinic on Presidential Succession

Submissions from 2022


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Opening Address, John D. Feerick


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Keynote Address, Jeh C. Johnson


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | The Relationship Between the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, John Rogan


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Problems with the Legislative Succession Provisions of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Norm J. Ornstein


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | A Defense of the Legislative “Officer” Succession Provisions, Seth Barrett Tillman


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | The Bumping Provisions of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947: Policy and Constitutional Considerations, Americo Cinquegrana


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | The Twentieth Amendment, the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, and Pre-Inaugural Problems, Brian C. Kalt


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | The 1947 Act and the Judiciary: Would the Courts Decide Who is President?, Gregory F. Jacob


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | The Incumbency “Requirement” in the Presidential Succession Act of 1947: Policy and Constitutional Considerations, James Ronan


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | How Close Has the United States Come to Having Lawmakers Succeed to the Presidency?, Roy E. Brownell II


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Proposals to Reform the 1947 Act and How Reform Could Be Effectuated, John C. Fortier


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Carl Albert, Bipartisanship, and Presidential Succession: Lessons from Watergate, Joseph J. Fins


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Continuity of Government Efforts, Garrett M. Graff


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Presidential and Vice Presidential Illness and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Rose McDermott


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | A White House Counsel’s Perspective on Presidential Health and the Line of Succession, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr.


The Presidential Succession Act at 75 | Nuclear Weapons and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Rebecca C. Lubot


An Anniversary Best Uncelebrated: The 75th Year of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Roy E. Brownell II and John Rogan