Res Gestae
Res Gestae is the online companion to the Fordham Law Review. Res Gestae provides scholars and practitioners with a forum to respond to articles published in the Law Review and to comment on contemporary legal issues.
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Submissions from 2017
Revisiting Our Administrative System of Criminal Justice, Benjamin E. Rosenberg
Submissions from 2016
A Plan to Strengthen the Paris Climate Agreement, Bryan H. Druzin
Arbitration Without Law: Choice of Law in FRAND Disputes, Eli Greenbaum
Submissions from 2015
Originalism As Thin Description: An Interdisciplinary Critique, Saul Cornell
State (Un)Separated Powers and Commandeering, Aaron P. Brecher
Toward a Writing-Centered Legal Education, Adam Lamparello
Submissions from 2014
Actual Innocence in New York: The Curious Case of People v. Hamilton, Benjamin E. Rosenberg
A Tribute to Ronald Coase: A Legend Misunderstood, Philip L. Fraietta
FISA Surveillance and Aliens, Amit K. Chhabra
Submissions from 2013
Commencement Address, Preet Bharara
De Novo Denied: District Courts' Reliance on Camardo Is Clear Error, Brian J. Levy
Popular Constitutional Values: The Links Between Public Opinion and the Supreme Court's 2011 Term, Peter J. Woolley and Bruce G. Peabody
The Public’s Constitutional Thinking and the Fate of Health Care Reform: PPACA as Case Study, Bruce G. Peabody and Peter J. Woolley
Submissions from 2012
A Conversation on Financial Literacy, Susan Block-Lieb and Andrea Boyack
A House of Cards Falls: Why "Too Big to Debar" is All Slogan and Little Substance, Jessica Tillipman
Apoplectic About Hyperlexis, William D. Araiza
Honor and Civil Recourse: A Response to Nathan Oman’s The Honor of Private Law, Benjamin C. Zipursky
Rejecting Sovereign Immunity in Public Law Litigation, Howard M. Wasserman
Two Cheers for the Constitution of the United States: A Response to Professor Lee J. Strang, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Submissions from 2011
A Conversation Without End: Human Rights Law In Perspective?, Colin Harvey
Battered Women, Self-Defense, and the Law, Joshua Dressler and Holly Maguigan
History Redux: The Unheard Voices of Domestic Violence Victims, A Comment on Aviva Orenstein’s Sex, Threats and Absent Victims, Myrna S. Raeder
Polls, the Public, and Popular Perspectives on Constitutional Issues, Bruce G. Peabody and Peter J. Woolley
“Private Ordering” Taken a Tad Too Far, Brett H. McDonnell
Res Publica: Public Opinion, Constitutional Law, and the Supreme Court’s 2010 Term, Bruce G. Peabody and Peter J. Woolley