Volume 15, Issue 3 (2009)
Quantitative Proof of Reputational Harm
Meiring De Villiers
Simultaneous Distress of Residential Developers and Their Secured Lenders An Analysis of Bankruptcy & Bank Regulation
Sarah Pei Woo
I.R.C. Section 7430 Attorney's Fees: Navigating Section 7430 and a Call for the Final Act
Jeffrey E. Ouijano
Rodney P. Mock
A Dissent Dampened by Timing: How the Stock Market Exception Systematically Deprives Public
Jeff Goetz
Stretching the Limits of Deal Protection Devices: From Omnicare To Wachovia
Eleonora Gerasimchuk
In The Wake of Empagran – Lights Out on Foreign Activity Falling Under Sherman Act Jurisdiction? Courts Carve Out A Prevailing Standard
Kelly L. Tucker