First Commencement - Program, 1908
Fordham Law School
The first Fordham Law School Commencement included addresses by President Rev. Daniel J. Quinn, S.J., The New York State Govenor, The Hon. Charles E. Hughes, an oration by Mr. Eugene F. McGee on "Law and the Legal Profession" and an address by Law School Dean, the Hon. Paul Fuller.
Date: 6-10-1908
Paul Fuller, Fordham Law School Dean 1905-1912
Fordham Law School
Paul Fuller, the first Dean of Fordham Law School, epitomized the school’s commitment to scholarship and public service. Fuller overcame significant personal obstacles to become an authority on international law.
Date: 1-1-1910
The Woolworth Building - Library
Fordham Law School
The Law Library on the 28th floor boasted views "looking north and west ... unbroken... for many miles and with quiet assured by the height above the street and the solid walls..."
Date: 1-1-1915
Woolworth Building, NYC
Fordham Law School
In 1915, The Law School occupied the 27th and 28th floors of the Woolworth Building. Fordham Law accommodated a library, three large classrooms, the Dean's office, the Registrar's offices, and a smoking room.
Date: 1-1-1915
1940's Law Review Mastheads
Fordham Law Review, Fordham Law School
Women take on as Editors at the Fordham Law Review during war time.
Date: 1-1-1943
John D. Feerick
Fordham Law School
John D. Feerick served as the heart and soul of Fordham Law School during his twenty year term as the Dean. Under his leadership, the Law School achieved national prominence for the outstanding quality of its faculty scholarship and greatly increased the involvement of its alumni.
Date: 9-1-1972
Geraldine Ferraro
Fordham Law School
Fordham Law School graduate '60, Geraldine Ferraro addresses Fordham Law School during the University's 150th anniversary year. Ferraro was the first female Vice Presidential candidate, running on the Democratic ticket with Walter Mondale in 1984.
Date: 9-1-1991
Anniversary of Women at Fordham
Kelly Campbell
Fordham celebrated the 75th anniversary of women's enrollment in 1993-1994. Among the distinguished graduates, women in the judiciary were, from left rear: Loretta A. Preska (c/o 1973), Cira Martinez (c/o 1979), Irene K. Duffy (c/o 1957), Renee R. Roth (c/o 1969), Sherry Klein Heitler (c/o 1976), and Jacqueline Winter Silberman (c/o 1972)
Date: 1-1-1993
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