Volume 83, Issue 1
Contractualizing Custody
Sarah Abramowicz
The Return of Noncongruent Equal Protection
Brian Soucek
Agency Costs and the False Claims Act
David Farber
Searching for a Harmless Alternative: Applying the Harmless Error Standard to Alternative Theory Jury Instructions
Erika A. Khalek
An Officer Walks into a Bar: Acknowledging the Need for Deterrence in Officer and Director Bars
Steven W. Shuldman
Fighting a Losing Battle to Win the War: Can States Combat Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Despite CDA Preemption?
Stephanie Silvano
Supremacy of the Supremacy Clause: A Garamendi-Based Framework for Assessing State Law That Intersects with U.S. Foreign Policy
Alexandria R. Strauss
DES and a Proposed Theory of Enterprise Liability
Naomi Sheiner
Dilemmas of Liberty
Robert S. Smith