Defining Patent Quality
Christi J. Guerrini
Sentencing the Why of White Collar Crime
Todd Haugh
Federal Enforcement of Police Reform
Stephen Rushin
Toil and Trouble: How the Erie Doctrine Became Structurally Incoherent (and How Congress Can Fix It)
Alan M. Trammell
Tinker Gone Viral: Diverging Threshold Tests for Analyzing School Regulation of Off-Campus Digital Student Speech
Daniel Marcus-Toll
Regulating the Militia Well: Evaluating Choices for State and Municipal Regulators Post-Heller
Benjamin H. Weissman
Foreword: The Profession’s Monopoly and Its Core Values
W. Bradley Wendel
Protecting the Profession or the Public? Rethinking Unauthorized-Practice Enforcement
Deborah L. Rhode and Lucy Buford Ricca
Cracks in the Profession’s Monopoly Armor
Jack P. Sahl
The Legal Profession’s Monopoly: Failing To Protect Consumers
Laurel A. Rigertas
Overstepping Ethical Boundaries? Limitations on State Efforts To Provide Access to Justice in Family Courts
Jessica Dixon Weaver
Access to Justice Requires Access to Attorneys: Restrictions on the Practice of Law Serve a Societal Purpose
Lisa H. Nicholson
Anyone Can “Think Like a Lawyer”: How the Lawyers’ Monopoly on Legal Understanding Undermines Democracy and the Rule of Law in the United States
Bridgette Dunlap
Legal Information, the Consumer Law Market, and the First Amendment
Renee Newman Knake
Globalization and the Monopoly of ABA-Approved Law Schools: Missed Opportunities or Dodged Bullets?
Carole Silver
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Control?
Anthony J. Sebok
Compliance and Claim Funding: Testing the Borders of Lawyers’ Monopoly and the Unauthorized Practice of Law
Michele DeStefano
The Great Disruption: How Machine Intelligence Will Transform the Role of Lawyers in the Delivery of Legal Services
John O. McGinnis and Russell G. Pearce
The Lawyer’s Monopoly—What Goes and What Stays
Benjamin H. Barton