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American Arbitration Association, Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, SPIDR, mediation, standard of conduct for mediators
In 1992, the American Arbitration Association, the American Bar Association, and the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) formed a joint committee to develop a code of conduct for mediators. After more than two years of work, the committee completed and submitted Standards of Conduct for Mediators for approval to their respective associations. The purpose was to develop a set of standards that could serve as a general framework for mediators, providing them with a helpful tool in their practice. The standards were to be broad enough to cover all types of mediation and flexible enough to evolve over time. The committee did not intend that the standards be the final, definitive statement on the practice of mediation. Rather, it hoped that the standards would act as an invitation for further dialogue on the subject of national ethical norms in a rapidly evolving field of dispute resolution.
Recommended Citation
John D. Feerick,
Standards of Conduct for Mediators, 79 Judicature 314
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