Democracy and the Constitution Clinic | Centers and Institutes | Fordham Law School


Submissions from 2021


Protecting the Supreme Court: Why Safeguarding the Judiciary’s Independence is Crucial to Maintaining its Legitimacy, Isabella Abelite, Evelyn Michalos, and John Rogue
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


An Absolute Power, or A Power Absolutely in Need of Reform? Proposals to Reform the Presidential Pardon Power, Milana Bretgoltz, Albert Ford, and Alicia Serrani
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


Selecting Representative and Qualified Candidates for President: Proposals to Reform Presidential Primaries, Daisy De Wolff, Ben Kremnitzer, Samara Perlman, and Gabriella Weick
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


Balancing Independence and Accountability: Proposals to Reform Special Counsel Investigations, Lawrence Keating, Steven Still, Brittany Thomas, and Samuel Wechsler
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


Improving Communication with Public Officials on Social Media: Proposals for Protecting Social Media Users’ First Amendment Rights, Kendra Kumor, Evelyn Li, and Nicole Rubin
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic

Submissions from 2020


Enforcing the Intent of the Constitution’s Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, James Auchincloss, Megha Dharia, and Krysia Lenzo
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


Protecting Against an Unable President: Reforms for Invoking the 25th Amendment and Overseeing Presidential Nuclear Launch Authority, Louis Cholden-Brown, Daisy De Wolff, Marcello Figueroa, and Kathleen McCullough


Toward an Independent Administration of Justice: Proposals to Insulate the Department of Justice from Improper Political Interference, Rebecca Cho, Louis Cholden-Brown, and Marcello Figueroa
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


What Should Presidential Candidates Tell Us About Themselves? Proposals for Improving Transparency in Presidential Campaigns, Megha Dharia, Rikki Lavine, Ryan Partelow, James Auchincloss, and Krysia Lenzo
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


Why the House of Representatives Must Be Expanded and How Today’s Congress Can Make It Happen, Caroline Kane, Gianni Mascioli, Michael McGarry, and Meira Nagel
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic


Presidents Must Be Elected Popularly: Examining Proposals and Identifying the Natural Endpoint of Electoral College Reform, Gianni Mascioli, Caroline Kane, Meira Nagel, Michael McGarry, Ezra Medina, Jenny Brejt, and Siobhan D'Angelo
Democracy and the Constitution Clinic