

J.P. Morgan, Bear Stearns, Wells Fargo, Wachovia, Deal Protection Devices, Corporate Acquisition, Omnicare, NCS Healthcare, Compensatory Devices, Voting Protection, Exclusivity Measure, Termination Fee, Stock Option, Asset Option, Voting Agreement, “Force-the-Vote" Provision, No-Shop, No-Talk, Matching Right, Fiduciary Duty, Revlon, Unocal, Business Judgment Rule, Fait Accompli, Enhanced Scrutiny, Williams, Merger Agreement, QVC, General Cigar, Swedish Match, Orman, Cullman, Toys R Us, Range of Reasonableness, Topps Company, Go-Shop, Lear Corporation, Optima International of Miami, WCI Steel, Basell AF, Lyondell Chemical Company, Total Deference Standard, Fiduciary-out, Ehrenhaus, Baker



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