

Millions of Americans choose to stay home every election cycle. Polling suggests that these nonvoters are either apathetic with respect to the democratic process or feel alienated from the United States government. Reforms to the democratic system should focus on alleviating these sentiments, ultimately encouraging more voters to show up to the polls. As turnout increases, so too does the legitimacy and stability of the U.S. government.

With that goal in mind, this Article advocates for a five- prong approach to reforming the electoral system. The first proposed step is to eliminate unnecessary barriers to voting by establishing federal automatic voter registration. Second, partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts must be dramatically restrained. Third, the U.S. House of Representatives needs to be expanded. Fourth, the president should be elected through a national popular vote. Finally, the U.S. Senate should abolish the filibuster to create a more responsive government. Collectively, the goal of these proposals is to create an electoral system that encourages voters to participate and minimize feelings of apathy or alienation.
