ballot, Nader, federal court cases
The article begins by stating that voters ability to vote for minor party candidates for presidential elections have generally been protected by federal courts as long as they have gotten some media exposure, and Ralph Nader, after not having received this protection attempted to file for injunctions in federal courts. It then goes through Naders claims and suits, including against a discriminatory number of signatures, whether out of state circulators may work, his North Carolina and Ohio write-in lawsuits. The articles conclusion is that federal courts did a poor job in deciding whether to grant Nader injunctive relief and how their decisions go against the essence of a democratic society which should be allowed to vote for whomever they want.
Recommended Citation
Richard Winger,
An Analysis of the 2004 Nader Ballot Access Federal Court Cases,
32 Fordham Urb. L.J. 567
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