rental housing programs, homeownership, homeownership initiatives, HOPE VI, Section 8, Welfare Reform, Mixed-Finance Development Programs, housing policy, low-income homeownership
This article compares programs designed to provide rental housing and programs designed to promote homeownership and attempts to determine which of the existing programs better promotes economic security among the population both are designed to benefit. Part II presents a framework for a discussion of affordable housing policy issues, outlining the complex environment of affordable housing development, and the multiple interests that need to be involved in developing any coherent policy. Part III gives a short history of public housing policies from 1937 to the end of the twentieth century. Part IV discusses the major rental housing programs, including the HOPE VI, Section 8, Welfare Reform, and Low Income Housing Tax Credits programs. Part V describes programs designed to promote homeownership for low income families, including Mixed-Financed Development programs, HOPE VI, Non-profit and Community-based Developments, and Low Income Homeownership initiatives. Part VI draws conclusions based on this comparative analysis and recommends the creation of a National Affordable Housing Policy with a clearly defined mission, accountable to the multiple interests identified in Part II.
Recommended Citation
Paulette J. Williams,
The Continuing Crisis in Affordable Housing: Systemic Issues Requiring Systemic Solutions,
31 Fordham Urb. L.J. 413
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