


domestic abuse, women, battered women, VAWA, jewish women, arab women, asylum


Panelist Emira-Habiby Browne, executive director of the Arab American Family Support Center discussed the misunderstood community of Arab women adn the cultural barriers they experience when they come to America and particularly when they become victims of domestic violence. Panelist Margaret Retter, Executive Director of Din Legal Center Inc., discussed the cultural obstacles that stand in the way of Jewish women who are being abused and the obstacles they face in getting out of that situation. Panelist Julie Dinnerstein, staff Immigration Attorney at the Sanctuary for Families, gave a nuts-and-bolts discussion on remedies available to immigrant battered women. She discussed VAWA and the Battered Spouse Waiver. Panelist Stephen Jenkins, attorney at The Workplace Justice Project, spoke about the eligibility for welfare benefits for immigrants. Panelist Lyn Neugebauer, supervising attorney at the Safe Horizon Immigration Law Project, discussed when political asylum for an abused immigrant is a good choice.



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