

water pollution, federal act, permit program, federal government pollution program, water quality, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System


There has been a significant growth of legislation designed to improve the quality of life in American by regulating the way industrial facilities interact with their environments. The new laws created by this legislation has given the federal government significant responsibilities in many areas formerly regulated by the individual states. This change in regulation is apt to impose stress on the modern industrialized society of America as a result of the impossibility to predict the overall effects of particular actions on the total system. Examining the nature of the actions and the probable direct interactions with the system, one may be able to gain insights into its effects. The Discharge Permit Program of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act is examined closer to determine its impact on components of the industrial ecosystem. The means adopted to restore the integrity of the Nation's waters have changed the regulatory climate and the article considers the prospects for a workable and effective permit program under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.



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