

insider trading, informed trading, asymmetrically distributed information, securities regulation, economics, corporate governance, politics, ethics, nonpublic information, employment status, access, trading venues, derivatives, leverage, price movement, outsider, loss, civil liability, transaction, directors, managers, incentive, manipulate, stock price, profit, loss causation, damages, organized market, redistribute, wealth, actual transaction, preempted transaction, market makers, exchange-traded, standardized equity options, Congress, Insider Trading Sanctions Act, speculat!, Fry v. UAL Corp., Tolan v. Computervision Corp., risk exposure, trading strategy, fraud-on-the-market doctrine, civil litigation, complex securities, liquidity, financial instruments, equity markets, market maker, regulator, marginal trader, imbalance, inventory, risk exposure, real-world market, marginal trader, NYSE, black transaction, block dealer, upstairs dealer, upstairs market maker, price volatility, public announcements, trading trends, bid, quote, Berlin Stock Exchange, future characteristic, non-linearity, asset, capital, strike price, expiration, dealer price, scalp, contract, shorting, inventory management, fair value, CBOE, options premium, roundtrip transaction, portfolio, futures, Greeks, risk metric, delta-neutral, carryover position, vega, gamma, delta, predict, insider, fluctuation, synthetic, static replication, static hedging, rebalancing, put-call, insurance, replication, illiquid markets, theta, customer order, position related risks, bid-ask, spread decomposition, inconclusive, contradict, illegal, stocks, credit default, swaps, over-the-counter derivative, optionality feature, interest rate, short-sell, forum, venue, adverse selection, visible, price impact, exploit, noise trader, directional trader, Australian Stock Exchange, Stuttgart Stock Exchange, anonymous, EuRex, Austrian Stock Exchange, competition, covered warrant, Italian Stock Exchange, perfect hedging, approximation, consensus, proxy, obligation, discretion, refuse, split, dividend changes, pre-hedge, earning, SEC, selective disclosure, financial analyst, knowledgeable, decline, efficiency, response, average investor, enforcement, aggressive, protect, leak, lawsuit, distribution, disgorge, profit, merger, acquisition, takeover bid, insider trading, informed trading, asymmetrically distributed information, securities regulation, economics, corporate governance, politics, ethics, nonpublic information, employment status, access, trading venues, derivatives, leverage, price movement, outsider, loss, civil liability, transaction, directors, managers, incentive, manipulate, stock price, profit, loss causation, damages, organized market, redistribute, wealth, actual transaction, preempted transaction, market makers, exchange-traded, standardized equity options, Congress, Insider Trading Sanctions Act, speculat!, Fry v. UAL Corp., Tolan v. Computervision Corp., risk exposure, trading strategy, fraud-on-the-market doctrine, civil litigation, complex securities, liquidity, financial instruments, equity markets, market maker, regulator, marginal trader



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