"Waging War With Wal-Mart: A Cry For Change Threatens the Future of Ind" by Zachariah J. Lloyd


Wal-mart, Walmart, industrial loan corporation, FDIC, Utah Department of Financial Institutions, ILC, BHC Act, Bank Holding Company Act, Competitive Equality Banking Act, CEBA, financial services, retail, consumer credit, Utah, commercial banking, Sam Walton, Gramm-Leach, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, TD Bank, financial holding company, banking and commerce, Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Act of 1994, bank branching, Supercenter, unitary thrift holding company, Conseco, Green Tree, monopoly rent, conglomerate integration, government accountability office, commercial asset growth, mixing banking and commerce, bank, regulation, Industrial Bank Holding Company Act of 2007



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