Professor Tovias' book is a refreshing and welcome addition to the existing literature on the different aspects of Europe 1992. The European Communities' Single Market is divided into seven chapters. The introduction in Chapter One is preceded by a summary and conclusions." Chapter Two discusses the interdependence between the EC and Sub-Saharan Africa.' The third and fourth chapters are devoted to the effects of eliminating specific intra-EC barriers and new barriers likely to arise from Europe 1992. Chapter Five comprises an analysis of the impact of Europe 1992 on various sectors, such as mineral products, tropical products, and services.' In the sixth and final substantive chapter, the discussion focuses on the implications for Sub-Saharan Africa of Europe 1992's export credit policies.' The Book concludes with a set of policy recommendations, a detailed statistical annex, and a less comprehensive bibliography. ' On the whole, The European Communities' Single Market is a well written and thought-provoking book. Its conclusions are clear and unequivocal. The Book could have benefitted, however, from a discussion of Europe 1992's impact on the private sector of SSA. As explained below, the private sector in African economies is gradually but inevitably supplanting the public sector in importance. In fairness to Professor Tovias, however, it must be stressed that a book as brief as the one being reviewed cannot be expected to cover all aspects of Europe 1992's likely impact on SSA.
Recommended Citation
Edward Kwakwa,
A. Tovias, The European Communities' Single Market: The Challenge of 1992 for Sub-Saharan Africa,
14 Fordham Int'l L.J. 510
Available at: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/ilj/vol14/iss2/7