

Off-Label Drug Promotion; Pharmaceuticals; Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; FDA; Food & Drug Administration; Consumer Protection; Regulation; First Amendment; Criminal Law; Constitutional Law; Medicine; Health Care; Legislation; Litigation


Off-label drug promotion is commonplace in the United States, but it is not without its dangers. While the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act does not explicitly ban off-label promotion, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA)— in order to protect consumers from unsafe and ineffective drugs—has taken steps to regulate it. The FDA does so through its intended-use regulation, which lists the types of evidence the FDA can consider in determining whether a drug is misbranded. It is a crime to sell a misbranded drug into interstate commerce or to conspire to do so. On September 25, 2015, the FDA proposed an amendment to the regulation, which has drawn opposition from various industry groups due to its potential to restrict the type of speech that is often used in off-label promotion. The First Amendment challenge to the proposed amendment rests on United States v. Caronia, in which the FDA was prevented from using truthful, nonmisleading speech to convict a pharmaceutical representative of a conspiracy to sell a misbranded drug. This Note examines whether the amendment to the regulation is permissible under Caronia. It first contends that the regulation does not facially violate the First Amendment. It further argues that the rule is constitutional and does not pose the same First Amendment issue as was seen in Caronia as long as the FDA implements it with care. This Note concludes by exploring various ways that the FDA can constitutionally regulate off-label drug promotion under the proposed rule.


Law; Administrative Law; Criminal Law; First Amendment; Constitutional Law; Food and Drug Law; Health Law and Policy; Consumer Protection Law; Litigation; Legislation
