

cohabit, housing, housing accomodations, couples, unmarried couples, discrimination, New York


This Note examines the protections available to unmarried couples against housing discrimination under the marital status provision of the New York City and New York State Human Rights Laws. After a brief examnitation of cohabitation, this Note will review judicial and administrative construction of the Human Rights Law since its inception. This Note concludes by proposing that unwed couples be given the same protection as married couples under the marital status provision in the New York Human Rights Law. This proposition finds support in: (1) the statutory mandate that the Human Rights Law be liberally construed to accomplish its purspose, (2) recent New York case law interpreting the marital status provision to provide the growing number of unwed couples with an unimpeded opportunity to obtain housing and (3) broad rulings by the New York Human Rights agencies.

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Housing Law Commons



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