

This Article aims at understanding the potential of partnerships of the European Union (‘EU‘) with emergent global actors (the so-called new leading powers (‘NLPs‘) or ‘BRIC countries‘), focusing on international trade law and policy. Although the power base of these actors (Brazil, Russia, India, and China--the BRIC countries) is their respective region (South America for the case of Brazil, Eastern Europe for Russia, the Subcontinent for India, and the Far East for China), there may be specific policy areas in which their influence might be global. With this in mind, the Article raises interesting questions: Is the EU an attractive trade partner for the new leading powers? Does the EU want cooperation with the BRIC countries? What can the EU expect from cooperation with the BRIC countries? What are the characteristics of these partners? What are the EU's priorities in its foreign trade policy? With which partners should the EU cooperate in which policy areas? With which instruments can the EU engage these partners and how can internal coordination within the EU be ensured?
