"The Limits of American Generosity" by Raj Bhala


Raj Bhala


This Article discusses generosity and its relevance in international trade law. Generosity, then - in international trade law - does matter, at least if a better world for the poor is imagined and if their world view is acknowledged. With good reason, many individual Americans - from the Great Plains of Kansas to the five boroughs of New York City - regard themselves as generous people. They give as private citizens, and through their favorite non-governmental organizations ("NGOs"), especially their churches, mosques, synagogues, and other houses of worship. Yet, from overseas, America is not perceived as a generous nation - at least not anymore. The generation of American officials who created and implemented the Marshall Plan has died or retired, and so too has the generation of foreigners who remember it, or other American legislative beneficence. Today, leading intellectuals from Turkey to New Zealand see only the hand, visible or invisible, of national self-interest in American laws that affect them.
