

This Comment addresses the recruitment of Colombian children into the insurgent armed groups and the Colombian government's attempts to respond to the issue. Part I provides an overview of the worldwide child soldier epidemic, specifically of the Colombian child soldier. Part I also addresses the general history of the civil strife in Colombia and the impact on the lives of the country's children. Part II describes the existing international laws that protect civilians and children during internal armed conflicts, as well as those laws that address child combatants specifically. Part II also analyzes the Colombian government's response to the child soldier situation within the country's borders and the legislative provisions and protections afforded Colombian children. In addition, Part II addresses the Colombian government's attempts to address the child soldier issue in the country's national legislation. Part III argues that the Colombian legislation falls short in attacking the root causes of the problem. Part III proposes that in order to eradicate this abuse, Colombia needs to actively implement international standards, strictly enforce existing national laws, and aggressively pursue and punish the guilty parties in order to begin the eradication of the Colombian child soldier problem.
